There are hundreds of things I'd love to share with administrators and classroom leaders, but let me boil it down to 3 R's to replace Readin', Ritin', and 'Rithmatic.
1. Take Risks
There are many things we do in school, for no other reason, than we've always done things a particular way. Consider the use of chalk; the alignment of desks in rows; the use of written tests; or the opening of the school day to fit with bus-schedules instead of the needs of growing brains.
We can continue to do things the way we've always done them, or, we can recognize the folly in some of our practices, and can strive to find better ways. In your own work as an administrator, don't be afraid to take risks and to encourage others to do the same. Two important questions to consider any day; Why? and Why not?
2. Conduct Research
Whether encouraging leaders to pilot new technologies, or asking peers to consider novel practices, work with colleagues to discover the best ways to engage today's learners. Celebrate exemplary achievements, and gather evidence to support the expansion of successful strategies.
The craft of teaching should be one of continual evolution. Through collegial discussion, educators can examine local teaching practices, and with the support of a networked leader, can share their professional learning with a global audience.
3. Build Relationships
You don't have to go it alone. Network with colleagues near and far, to keep abreast of emerging trends. Share your challenges, questions, and ideas, and learn through shared experiences. We may not be with you in person, but we'll have your back should you require resources, ideas, or other forms of support.
In modeling the collaborative skills of a 21st century educator, your experiences are sure to bring a sense of wonder to your professional life. Once you see the potential of networked learning, it will be natural for you to advocate for the modern learning needs of teachers and students alike.