Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Niji Sousaku: Secondary Creativity

It all started when I read this Wired Magazine article about Hatsune Miku.  I'm sure you'll be interested to see the recorded 'live' performance that resulted when creatives, building upon the work of one another, brought Hatsune to life.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Power of Hand-Writing

A story about McMaster medical students being welcomed to the profession by hand-written letters has me wondering what might happen if practicing teachers took to the pencil or pen more regularly.  There is wisdom in sharing a legacy of ideas via the written word... with colleagues, with students; perhaps to inspire those new to the profession.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

One Million Tweet Map

Want to really get an idea of what's happening in the world... as it happens? Watch tweets in real time as they appear on a map of the world via One Two Million Tweet Map.

What might you track this way?

 * uprising in a foreign country (neighbouring countries)
 * natural disaster (flood, earthquake, ice storm)
 * social event (television show, party)
 * major sporting event (SuperBowl, Olympics)
 * conference hashtag (#ISTE, #unplugd)
 * school community (zoom in on your school)
 * global holiday (New Year's Eve)
 * famous places (Disney World, the Louvre)


Thursday, December 6, 2012