What: A summit for educators interested in making meaningful connections with colleagues while pursuing a wide range of creative and recreational pursuits.
When: August 5-8, 2013
Where: Northern Edge Algonquin
Why: Because we’re worth it!

Whether your yearn to engage in rich conversation; to dive into uniquely Canadian recreation; or to dine on nutritious and delicious meals, you’re sure to find the unplugd13 experience to be rejuvenating in ways you’ve never imagined.
UnPlugd13 is limited to the first 40 participants, so if you are at all inclined to join us, visit the registration page while space is still available.
Learn More:
· If you’re not yet familiar with the concept of learning and relaxing in an unplugged setting, consider visiting UnPlugd.ca, or review photos and reflections of recent participants.
· Follow past participants via #unplugd11 or #unplugd12.
· Feel free to connect with me via phone, email or video conference.
· Join in on the pre-event conference call for registrants.