Saturday, April 17, 2010

Augmented Reality: Now in Aisle Seven

As I hinted in Augmented Reality 101, our interactions with media, text, and mobile devices will soon include a new layer: Augmented Reality. Little did I realize that my 7 year old would be the first to bring it to the family's attention.

Mikey was trying to figure out how to connect a cereal box to our computer based on the instructions on the back of the Corn Pops cereal box. After visiting the It's Popnetic website, we produce the following tutorial:

And just in case you think it's just cereal boxes that are changing, consider what Alice for the iPad or Elements for the iPad has to say about the future of books:

Knowing that these changes are coming...
What do you think we should we do about it?

If you don't think it's your job to consider that question...
Whom do you expect to provide our answer?