We are struggling.
A couple of weeks ago we, Rodd and Ben, were participants and members of the organizing team for UnPlug'd, a Canadian Education Summit. As the website says:
UnPlug’d brings together Canadian educational change agents to share peer-reviewed success stories; to deepen relationships among participants; to publish the collective vision of the group. Grassroots educators will share their first-hand experiences, collectively considering modern approaches to learning. The summit will culminate with the release a publication that communicates a vision for the future of K-12 education in Canada.

We’re struggling to find the words to explain what Unplug'd was, but we do know what it wasn't. It wasn't an accident; it wasn’t a conference; and it wasn't perfect.
But maybe:
Perfect isn't real.
Perfect is fake.
Real isn't perfect.
Real is beautiful.
In trying to understand what happened at unplugd11, we've developed a list of perfection targets that we 'missed'.
Perfection Myth #1: Everyone was represented.
This didn't happen. We didn't have every ethnicity, region, and cultural group represented. For goodness sakes there were only 37 people there!

Perfection Myth #2: Perfect Logistics = Perfect Learning

Perfection Myth #3: Professional conversations are best held in spotless rooms with round tables, white linens and climate controlled conditions.

This also didn't happen. We sat on floors, rocks, Muskoka chairs, and benches while getting mosquito bites. We wrote on our laps, had conversations while doing dishes, and paddled in silence as the sun set. At times we were too warm. At times we were too cold. At times, we were downright smelly.

Perfection Myth #4: Getting feedback on our work is easy for professional learners.

Perfection Myth #5: It is best to share ideas in slide decks that give clear answers.

We intentionally ignored this usual conference expectation. Each participant brought their own ideas, vision, and passion. Each person brought their 'story' to share over dinner. These ideas were challenged, reconsidered, and revised as the shared experiences of the summit unfolded.

Ben: I don’t want to speak for others, however, when my turn came I was overwhelmed with emotion and chose to share a key lesson that I had learned about courage. As my voice cracked, I let down my guard and shared what I had learned about courage from my interactions that weekend. I finished by sharing how this lesson about courage would guide me in the upcoming school year. This imperfect sharing of ideas allowed us to 'get real' about the situation that we are trying to improve.
Perfection Myth #6: Each planned activity achieved its intended purpose.

One of the symbols of UnPlug’d was a large physical mindmap that represented the participants (stones), their ideas (wooden disks), and the connections between them (ribbon and twine). On site, Kim Crawford reflected “Just as we gather around a campfire, the ideas and people in the centre of our meeting room, provided the flame to foster our connectedness.” As the weekend progressed, Tom Fullerton further explained “The rocks were people and the wooden disks our ideas. We used cord to show connections. I described the rocks to my working group as not being as solid as they might appear. Each of us is shaped and rubbed smooth by contact with other rocks as we are pushed together by waves and wind, the conversations and experiences we share.”

Although the mindmap never fully realized its visual potential as a representation of the many connections among participants and their ideas, the artistic and symbolic elements were meaningful to many participants. Some withdrew artifacts from the collaborative piece as mementos of their experience. When members of the planning team stayed behind to finalize publication details, we were granted the honour of finding a home for the personalized artifacts that had been left behind by participants.
High Value Imperfection
Unplug'd had many imperfections. It wasn't perfect, it was real. Real conversations and struggles were shared. Real people maintained eye contact, were present in the moment, and expressed authentic empathy. Real people were heard and listened. Real people expressed how this experience has re-energized them for the challenge of a new school year. And real is beautiful... even if imperfect.

Ben and Rodd,
I know what you mean about struggle for the words – but you did it, and did it well.
Real is the perfect word for this, even if it is not perfect.
There were times during the two days that struggled with my role as participants vs. organizer. It made me very aware of the imperfections, the change of schedule and how the other participants were feeling. Maybe because of my own imperfection of wanting to control the situation (something I am working on) or maybe it was because we were so invested in this event, in so many ways, that my senses were heightened.
What I might add as another Myth: Content in PD comes first.
So many times we start with an agenda in mind. We do this because we need to teach it. Maybe because of due diligence, maybe because of time, maybe because we want or need to implement something, maybe even for safety or information or we need consistency in an organization. We might give 2-3 minutes for a quick “get to know you activity” and then we move directly to the information and content. Unplug’d demonstrated, in so many ways that you describe that when relationship building comes first and is planned authentically and ongoing, the content is not only more rich and deep but it is sustainable. The conversation continues, grows, and changes.
You're exactly right about the Myth that Content comes first in PD. I would suggest that the same is true for the learners in our classrooms.
When students feel connected to one another and to the teacher, they are much more apt to participate in meaningful ways. When they have a stake in the outcome, in can only amplify their engagement.
Even though we were mindful of creating a safe environment for connecting and sharing, I don't think any of us foresaw the level of commitment educators gave to the entire process. Just as we were invested as members of the planning team, delegates demonstrated their commitment by completing a number of intellectually and emotionally intense tasks... before, during and after the event!
This finding may not be documented in the literature, but based on this one case study, I'd suggest we're safe to consider modifying traditional practices to include relationship building as a key component.
Finally! Someone else who "gets" the magic of being at a camp setting while professional capacities are stretched and grown! I spent nine summers at Girl Scout Camp, and as you said, through the mosquitoes, the heat/cold, the discomfort, comes real progress, real thought, real insight! Deep, long-term friendships embellish a memorable 'thinktank period', and I am grateful for this enjoyable blog!!Thank you so much!
Just read this by Bryan Jackson. It reminds us of 'Why Learning Outside Matters' http://bryanjack.ca/2011/09/26/why-learning-outside-matters/
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