Since the round was unplanned, I played my round with the clubs of Mike's 11 year old son, Adam. While it took me a few holes to adapt to these novice tools, it was in talking about Adam that I learned he had been invited to caddy for the Canadian Men’s Senior Golf Championship taking place in the Sault from September 9th - 12th.

"If Adam attends school, how long will the experiences of those two days stick with him?"
"If Adam attends the golf tournament, how long with the experiences of those two days stick with him?"
Even though I've never caddied for another golfer, by the barometer of memory; lasting impact; and influence on future pursuits, there is little doubt in my mind, that caddying for one or more senior golfers will provide the richer experience.
So here is my challenge to you upon the start of a new school year... "What are you doing in your classroom today, that is more important, more meaningful and more relevant for personal growth, than the act of caddying in a golf tournament?"
Photo Credit: SSShupe
Great question as we approach start-up Rodd!
Teachers should keep the sticks at the ready all year round!
My mother believed as you did, and I consequently grew up with many advantages. My part in the deal was holding my grades up. If I did that, I was eligible for the "decision from above" moments. My favorite was in fourth grade, when my mother wrote an absentee excuse note to the principal to inform her that I would be missing school to see the recently re-released Marx Brothers classic "Animal Crackers."
I believe she called it "an educational opportunity that we cannot ignore." I've never forgotten it.
That's a terrific story Zenbob! Thanks so much for augmenting this post.
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