Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Birthday Alec

Last week I got an invitation from Dean Shareski to participate in the construction of a crowd-sourced 40th birthday video for Alec Couros. If you know Alec, then you know that a collaborative project like this is the ideal way to honour such an effective connector-collaborator.

Happy Birthday Alec Couros from shareski on Vimeo.

I can't help but smile at the performances of so many of my favourite tweeps. In merging over 70 video submissions from Alec's friends, Dean did a wonderful job. What viewers may not realize, is that Dean also did an amazing job at scaffolding the exercise for participants.

After gathering volunteers, Dean shared a link to the song, and matched participants to specific lyrics on a 'Thank You for Being a Friend' Google Doc. In stretching the limits of his DropBox account, Dean leveraged DropItToMe to gather clips; and goodness knows what he did from there!

Happy Birthday Alec!
Thank You Dean, for orchestrating such a celebratory production!