I remember that first year, I was in awe over the fact that cell phone producers were planning to embed digital cameras into hand-held devices. Now we find ourselves in a world where a wide range of mobile technologies is taken for granted.
I'm hopeful that my presentation, Creative Commons: What Every Teacher Needs to Know, will lead to critical thinking about how modern tools might be leveraged to foster creativity in our classrooms. In addition to the slideshow below, I'll be referencing two earlier posts: 14 Tools to Teach about Creative Commons, and Creative Commons Chaos.
Creative Commons RCAC2009
View more documents from Rodd Lucier.
My greatest anticipation is for the opportunity to network in person with dozens of distant colleagues who form the core of my learning network. A tweet-up planned for Wednesday evening will likely see many using the very devices that are banned from too many classrooms. Here's hoping the learning we do, will hasten the adoption of social learning strategies... perhaps using the very tools that captured my attention some ten years ago.